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Silicone Sealants

Dow 795 Structural Silicone

Single-component neutral cure glazed structural and non-structural sealant.

Dow CWS Neutral Cure Sealant

Single-component neutral cure glazed non-structural weather-resistant sealant.

Dow 1199 Neutral Cure Sealant

Single-component neutral cure fast-setting sealant for automatic glazing systems.

Dow 995 Structural Silicone for Insulated Glass

Single-component neutral cure glazed structural sealant and for protective glazing systems.

Silicone sealants, also known as silicon sealants or silicone seals, are products used in joint sealing to provide a flexible, water -and air- resistant barrier. These sealants are based on silicone elastomers, which are synthetic polymers with elastic and durable properties.